Nice of you to have your first video episode on the same day as Orthodox Christmas, Darcy. Now I know what you look like. Sorry i am unable to make a pledge of support, but I do enjoy your podcast, even if I am not a libertarian myself. Listening to you perhaps I am becoming more libertarian-adjacent.

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Thank you Andrew. No need to pledge support anytime soon. I appreciate your comments and engagement and I'm just happy you enjoy the show. I wrestle with my own ideas and identity around libertarianism, that's partly what I use the podcast for, to flush them out. Make sure to let me know if there's any subjects you'd like me to tackle or guests you think I should have on.

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Darcy. Please ask Matt if the federal and provincial parties should drop the word libertarian’ from their name and replace it with “Less Government Advocates of Canada (Ontario, etc)”. On every election ballot, this is what electors would see instead of the word ‘libertarian’ which few Canadians correctly understand.

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Hi Gene.

I personally think that this is a redundant idea. The word 'libertarian' does have a meaning that is quite easy to understand and is consistent across all dictionaries, something like: 'an advocate for minimal state interference in the free market and the private life of individuals,' and minimal might mean zero. Take it up with libertarians who can't explain that easily. Although you might garner a marginal increase in votes, you can advocate for less government in any number of conservative or dissident right-wing parties. If the goal is getting elected - i.e. using the power of the state to enforce your agenda - you've already, at least to some degree, abandoned libertarian philosophy. I see the libertarian party as a platform for ideas that includes, paradoxical as it may be, the rejection of political action.

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Gene - I don't think a libertarian party of any kind will ever get elected in a first-past-the-post system. Libertarians make up a very small portion of the population - perhaps 2% - so it's not surprising that Libertarian Parties tend to get something around that number. I suspect a party named as you suggest would do worse. But perhaps it would increase a bit and get 3% or 4% of the vote. Most voters focus on the 2-3 parties that have a shot to win, and those parties aren't libertarian because most voters aren't libertarian.

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Hi Matt. I have been a Libertarian candidate in 10 elections and an OLP member since 2007. I attend the LPoC and OLP AGMs and plan to test my theory in the next elections and an Independent for Less Government. Stay tuned.

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