Darcy, thank you very much for your interview with Nadine Wellwood. It is a shame that your show is a podcast and not a video presentation as she is quite lovely. I didn’t know or had forgotten that she was a PPC candidate in the last election. I am a PPC member too. I joined the PPC mainly for its support for price stability, the principle behind the introduction of the inflation targeting regime by the Progressive Conservative Mulroney government in 1991. Unfortunately, the new Conservative Party has never really championed price stability. The PPC is the only federal party that does. However, like Nadine Wellwood, I am very impressed with the PPC’s principled opposition to giving Ukraine military aid in its war with Russia. As she said, this is a totally unnecessary war that never needed to happen at all. At the same time, we should keep our doors open for Ukrainian refugees who wish to escape the war. So many outstanding Canadians have been part of the Ukrainian diaspora. This new wave of refugees will help us if they choose to stay, or help rebuild Ukraine if they choose to go back. I hope that any who do choose to return have pleasant memories of their stay in Canada. Best of luck to Nadine if she chooses to run for the PPC again.

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Hi Andrew. Thanks for the feedback. I plan on adding video before too long.

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