
Episode 53 Gary Chartier

Gary Chartier is a legal scholar, philosopher, political theorist, and theologian. His work addresses anarchism and ethics. Chartier is a professor and serves as associate dean of La Sierra University

Gary Chartier is a legal scholar, philosopher, political theorist, and theologian. His work addresses anarchism and ethics. Chartier is a professor and serves as associate dean of La Sierra University's business school.

Problems arise from having different definitions or understandings of terms and ideas. In politics, for example, the terms left and right have historically been used in broad and inconsistent ways, and both have shown tendencies toward extreme authoritarianism. The term capitalism is another example that is often avoided in polite company due to differences in its usage. When Gary Chartier wrote Anarchy and Legal Order he referred to himself and his work as leftist and anti-capitalist. This was interesting because it seemed like nothing in his work aligned with contemporary leftism and he discussed at length the positive impacts of free markets. In fact, what the book does is a make a strong argument for a stateless legal and political order for those who prioritize animal welfare, the environment, and the well-being of vulnerable people, which makes it an important work in the libertarian canon. The reality is that these issues are priorities for a large number of people and too often rigid distinctions and political dogma get in the way of providing solutions to these concerns.

I hope you enjoy.


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